Tuesday May 23rd
Coach Logan starts CrossFit Kids today 330pm!!
The class will run 35-45 mins, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, until August-ish..
Ages are 8-12
There will be a HEAVY focus on FUN.
F-U-N. Yes of course they will learn, but FITNESS should be FUN. and it will be :)
To register click the link follow the prompts select the package rock on.
NOT for time:
100 BB step ups
(keep the weight extremely light, and work to maintain an upright chest as you drive up on to the box) (and for all things sane, DO NOT Drop the Bar on the box if you must dump mid lift, the weight is too heavy)
Death BY:
ROW cals
*score is total cals.
*Death by work outs go like dis:
min 1 you do 1 cal
min 2 you do 2 cal
min 3 you do 3 cal
this is continued until you can no longer finish the required cals within the minute.
at the end, you total up all CALs so for instance if you got to 8 cals within the 11th minute
your score would be 63.