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Friday February 17th

"Your positive energy and vision, must be greater than anyone's and everyone's negativity.

Your certainty must be greater than everyone's doubt"

-The Energy Bus



3x 200m single arm FC



15 burpees o bar

5 clean and jerks (225/125)

12 burpees o bar

4 clean and jerks

9 burpees o bar

3 clean and jerks



the weight on the clean jerks SHOULD be HEAVY.

(whatever HEAVY means to YOU)

If you are touch and Go'ing, its most likely too light

and the WOD will be a cakewalk.

If you like cake, use light weight and MURDER it...

If you want to get better, as in

increase your work capacity, get stronger, get fitter.....

load up your bar to minimum 70% of your 1RM

and jump on the struggle bus, it should be fun.!

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