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Friday April 14th

Let's not wait until month 10 to think about it. Attack it daily, make it your friend, get comfortable with it stop avoiding it. 

Let's do this..


Short; movement specific focused



3:00 AMRAPSx7 -rest 2:00 between sets- 1.30 burpees + MAX REPS OHS 95/65 2. RUN tracks + MAX REPS t2b 3. MAX REPS FULL SNATCH 135/95 4. 20 cals AB+MAX REPS pullups 5. 100 dubs + MAX REPS DLs 135/95 6. 50 AIR SQUATS+MAX REPS JERK 95/65 7.15 squats cleans+MAX REPS strict DB press 

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